Readers learn painting and drawing firsthand from other artists through written instruction and reproduction, guiding them step-by-step through the creative process. The magazine shows readers a wide variety of creative options, teaching the fundamentals of art making, presenting techniques in different painting and drawing media.
From The Editor
Artists Magazine
As “Beautiful as a Greek Marble” • A portrait reveals Rembrandt’s mastery as a printmaker.
Small-Study Bouquets • Try these four exercises to help your painting skills and creativity blossom.
WE ASKED... How do you create the title for an artwork?
Small, But Mighty • Refine your ideas and master composition with quick thumbnail sketches.
One Dog Many Ways • Whenever I’m trying out new tools, I find it helpful to use a familiar and beloved subject.
Smudge Your Way • Explore charcoal to enhance your composition skills and ability to adapt.
ALL OVER THE MAP • Working with ink pens on paper maps, Ed Fairburn reveals the geography of the human face within the geography of the earth.
PORTRAITS OF FLOWERS • Megan J. Seiter captures floral personalities in colored-pencil drawings that are highly realistic yet deeply expressive.
Timeless Faces, Modern Mysteries • With meticulous detail and emotionally charged imagery, artist Marcos Rey invites viewers into a world where every face tells a tale.
Marks of Distinction • A cross-cultural identity infuses the interdisciplinary artwork of Tony Ortega.
ADVENTURES IN Transformation • Tom Garner merges classical techniques with conceptual innovation, resulting in striking paintings that push the boundaries of art.
CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH The Soul of Nature • The Met offers an unprecedented exploration of the German artist’s spiritual and emotive portrayals of the rugged landscape—and man’s interaction with it.
art news • Keeping you in the know
Going Home • Kristen Grant’s new gallery in Vergennes, Vermont, fills a void in a state she’s happy to call home once again.
Independent Study • Resources to inspire + build skills
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