The best-selling sea fishing magazine in the UK. Covering the seas around Britain and all the fish that inhabit them. Sea Angler magazine is essential digital for true followers of the beautiful art, covering deep sea boat action through to shore fishing. Sea Angler brings together the complete package providing reviews of the latest rigs and exclusive offers for the world's best brands. As well as engaging the biggest names in the sport to provide you with their tips and tricks to catch the best fish! Covering the seas around Britain and all the fish that inhabit them. Sea Angler is the best selling sea fishing magazine in the UK. Whether it’s: baits, rigs, poles, marks, setups or equipment you are interested in, you’ll stay abreast of all the comings and goings with a Sea Angler digital magazine subscription.
Sea Angler
THIN WATER FOR THICK BASS • Big bass like shallow water. Your biggest mistake looking for a lunker this spring might be casting over them, as James Batty explains
SPECIES HUNTS HOW TO WIN • Ben Bassett knows a thing or two about the skills and tactics needed to win a species hunt. Here’s his expert advice and top tips for success
CLINGING ON • Josh Pickett looks at one of the rarest and most sought-after fish by LRF species hunters. It won’t win prizes for beauty or fighting strength. It might, however, win you a species comp. All hail the bizarre Connemara clingfish!
PUTTING THE FUN BACK INTO FISHING • Species hunting has opened sea angling up to a new generation of sea anglers. Devon based angler Wayne Thomas reflects on how his own club had been rejuvenated by embracing this growing side of the sport
CREATING A BUZZ AT THE BIG ONE • Sea Angler’s editor David Mitchell reports back on how sea angling got everyone talking when it featured at the UK’s biggest fishing show for the first time
Tales from the tideline BEGINNER’S LUCK • Geoff pays forward an act of generosity to a novice angler in recognition of his mentor, who did the same for him
WATERCRAFT ESSENTIALS PIERS & BREAKWATERS • Mike Thrussell explains why understanding how manmade structures hold and attract fish will see your catch rates sky rocket
GOOD TIMES BAD TIMES • Dave Lewis looks back at a lifetime of sea angling and asks whether fishing really was better in ‘the good old days’, or whether it’s just changed while still providing opportunities to catch fish, providing you target those available to you...
LOCH LEVIATHANS • Fancy something different? How about battling a big common skate into submission from the shore? Liam Gunn explains what you’ll need to take on the UK’s toughest shore species challenge – and win!
FINDING THE HALIBUT • Dave Barham continues his Norwegian adventure and reveals how he used an app to find more than a dozen big halibut for his crew
THE FUTURE OF POLLACK FISHING • Tim Macpherson looks at the new voluntary code of conduct for pollack fishing and explains all you need to know about the threat of a pollack fishing ban for anglers
BLACK BREAM UK & IRELAND SPECIALIST SPECIES HUNTING • With thoughts turning to milder weather, spring and the return of many species to the UK’s waters, Dave Lewis explains how to add the black bream to your species tally
Q&A • Our experts solve your fishing problems
TALENT SPOTTING • Coach Brian considers whether Facebook is the future of fishing clubs and is invited to help find England’s most talented under 16 beach anglers
DAVE’S DIARIES LOCAL BOY IN THE PHOTOGRAPH • This month Dave takes us back to 2007 and a red-letter day cod fishing with the late Stereophonics drummer, broadcaster & angler Stuart Cable