Charles Chilton's classic science fiction trilogy stormed the BBC airwaves during the 1950s. Its gripping story lines, extra-terrestrial sound effects and atmospheric music engaged the listener as never before. Between 1953 and 1958, a devoted audience of adults and children attentively followed Captain Jet Morgan and his crew from one cliff-hanger to another as, together, they faced the unknown perils of space.
In this epic concluding series Captain Jet Morgan, Doc Matthews, engineer Mitch Mitchell and radio operator Lemmy Barnet once more set out for Mars, but this time alone. Their orders - to discover all they can about the threatened Martian invasion of Britain. Jet and his comrades are stretched to their limits as they taken on the awesome Martian power. when they learn the astounding secret of the invasion plan, there is a race against time to warn a defenceless Earth.
This the first of twenty episodes and was broadcast 26/9/55