Throughout his political career, Ron Paul has served as one of Congress's strongest opponents of military interventionism. During thirty years of dedicated service, Congressman Paul has delivered hundreds of speeches advancing the idea of applying free market principles to foreign policy. In a compelling compilation of those speeches, this book offers a comprehensive look at Dr. Paul's foreign policy philosophy throughout the years—and its relevance to key events in recent US history.
This collection documents Dr. Paul's often-prescient warnings to Congress regarding the consequences of military interventionism. He argues that numerous conflicts in the past few decades, from the Korean Conflict to the most recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, have caused unnecessary deaths abroad, deterioration of the country's international reputation, and weakened civil liberties at home. The collection presents a clear picture of a man who has often served as a courageous lone supporter of a more reasoned and less reactionary foreign policy approach.
An eleven-term congressman from the State of Texas, Ron Paul also attended Gettysburg University and Duke University School of Medicine. After graduating, he served as a flight surgeon in the US Air Force before moving to Texas—where he opened a private medical practice.
Dr. Paul first served in Congress from 1976 to 1984, returning in 1997 to lead the charge in Washington for limited constitutional government, economic freedom, lower taxes, and a return to commodity-backed currency. He currently serves on the House Financial Services Committee, the International Relations Committee, and the Joint Economic Committee.
As an accomplished scholar, author, and counselor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Dr. Paul is frequently quoted regarding banking, monetary and fiscal policy, and political economy. During his career in Congress, he has received many awards and honors for exemplary service and leadership.