Offering both comfort to the fearful and confirmation to the curious, Between Death and Life – Conversations with a Spirit examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms through hundreds of real people's past life testimonies as revealed to widely published and internationally acclaimed past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon.
While reliving their dying experiences, hundreds of subjects reported the same memories. The similarity and sincerity of their recollections are too convincing to be ignored.
This eye-opening book explores the world beyond ours, giving us an insight into the death experience and reincarnation, guides and guardian angels, ghosts and walk-ins. It examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms; the 'Healing Chambers' for the damaged; the schools where you integrate lessons learned on Earth and where you discover the laws of the Universe; how you plan your next incarnation, the lessons to be learned and future karmic relationships before birth.Between Death and Life: Table of Contents